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For several years, LHM—Panama has supported the National Police of Panama through an ongoing relationship with a local social worker. This year, the social worker suggested that LHM staff develop a training program for a few of the police units to strengthen their communication skills. Since it was around Father's Day, they discussed topics about families and assertive communication.

The men and women of the National Police are often put in risky situations during their work and the stress and crises they encounter often negatively affect them. The National Police appreciate that LHM—Panama contributes to their society through programs like Project JOEL and others that teach values, communication, work/family balance, and how the Word of God is a source of strength, hope, wisdom, and comfort. The training provided a great opportunity for the policemen and women to gather in fellowship to study the Gospel.

Many attendees shared that the Bible lessons, songs, prayers, and group activities serve as a source of joy and spiritual reflection.

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